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Hello there! After a while of not blogging, I have decided to rekindle this blog, with a slightly different angle. I'm going to blog about my life. Straight up . Honest conversations about real life as a British girl training to be a midwife. There will be conversations about midwifery (of course!), mental health, mindfulness, food, cakes, baking, feminism, beautiful places to visit, and hopefully eventually have guest writers. So, a bit about me. My name is Elle. I'm training to be a midwife in the East Midlands, with the hope of qualifying in the next year. Who knows where this blog might go? In the near future, there will be a post of my recent trip to Barton Abbey in Yorkshire where I did lots of thinking, a post on some of my favourite cakes to bake on special occasions, top tips for starting midwifery and being at university, and an honest conversation about mental health. Stick around if you fancy, E x

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